الخميس، 17 يناير 2013

use Coke around your Home

Unusual ways to use Coke around your Home

Most of us drink coca cola on a daily basis.  One of the ingredients in Coca cola is baking soda (sodium bicarbonate).  Sodium bicarbonate is an alkaline substance which can help in cleaning around the house. Here are some unusual ways that coca cola can help you out around your home.
Removes rust
Unusual ways to use Coke around your Home

Unusual ways to use Coke around your home
If you have been scrubbing rust from your kitchen pans with no success, soak them with coke overnight and you will easily scrub them off in the morning.
Toilet Cleaner
Unusual ways to use Coke around your home
If your toilet has terrible stains that are giving you a hard time, clean your toilet with coke and it will be sparkling.
Window cleaner
Unusual ways to use Coke around your home
Wash your windows with coke to remove dirt and grease.
Clothe stain remover
Unusual ways to use Coke around your home
Put few drops of coke on to the stain and let it soak. Of course, the shirt will slightly discolor due to the color of coke, but after washing it through a washing machine, the shirt will become clean and stainless.
Windshield Defroster
Unusual ways to use Coke around your Home
Pour a bottle of coke over your windshield and the ice will come off.
Stomach soother
Unusual ways to use Coke around your Home
If you are having indigestion and heartburn problems, take some coca cola and you will be fine in no time.
Hiccup cure
Unusual ways to use Coke around your Home
Take some coke and your hiccups will go instantly.
Loosens bolts
Since coke gets rid of rust, applying coke over rust bolts that have refused to loosen is a great way to loosen them.

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