الخميس، 17 يناير 2013

Pets - How to properly walk your dog

                                                                    Pets - How to properly walk your dog
Here are tips on how to put a stop to the eternal struggle of tugging and pulling during dog walks out in the park!

                                    There are 3 solid ways to finally take control over your dog while at the park and not the other way around. 
1. Use rewards and commands
Train your dog with the usual "stop" and "stay" commands and with each correct command he acts on, reward him with a treat. Do this until your dog is conditioned with the mechanics of the command and see how he improves during those daily walks!
2. Change direction
If your pet is getting used to taking the lead during walks, constantly stop and change direction whenever he's being aggressive and he starts tugging on you. The goal is to let your pet stay with you and be attentive to what you want and where you want to go instead of your pet taking the lead and dragging you on.
3. Use a body harness
The simples solution for this is to use a body harness on your dog. This gives you more control on where your pet is going without hurting him so much from all the tugging and pulling.

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